Solid Offensive
Remember to keep a army not used for offensive attacks but only used for Reclaiming Cityscapes. Make sure to keep a Army only for Gang & Cityscape farming for Resources & Armor (later on this become moot on armor and its just resources only or both then you don't need that army anymore) and your offensive is your offensive. People that don't read this blog will generally have Pros & Hitmen. Pile on as part of your solid offensive Tommy Gunners & Enforcers & Bruiser (some arsos) then Pros & Hitmen but generally either Pros or Hitmen will be part of your estate wall breaking team only. 1k pro,hitmen,bru,tommy gunner,enforcer is a soild offensive. You want some arsos,demos laying around for other offensive. Later on you will be able to build 900+ Arsos or Thugs in 3hrs or less to get rid of estate defensive units. So your solid total will be 1k hitmen, 3k pros, 1k tommy gunners, 1k enforcer and the rest a mix number of whatever you feel comfortable with (If you're not needing to farm gangs for anything ever again).
If you follow the upgrade tree of your hideout
If you devote a weekend to the game, in my experience of two days, you can start building hitmen. Get like 50 of them but don't use them to attack any players (that comes later in the game as you make more of them!).
You will be able to send multiple attacks as shown here on Lv2 gangs for easy resources.
Also make note of the multiple attacks as that is something you will be doing a lot of in this game to build resources fast and able to farm armor when attacking different gang locations of different levels. As when it comes to armor, you have to upgrade you Armory in order to be able to use the armor you've gathered.
Click on your estate> Armory
Make note of the three set and how you can see for this example i am showing a Lv4 set (as Lv4 has the highlighted option) and how to find the armor tab. Ignore Bronze Armor for its useless in my opinion because it only gives a boost to resources only and not cash.
To get set bonus, the armor must be the same level of the same set. No you CANNOT mix and match silver or gold armor of different levels to make a set. If you want set bonus of Lv4 armor or any other level. It must be the same level (all four slots) of either silver or gold.
When not attacking other players: Have full silver set on.
When attacking other players: Full gold set of same level is nice for the boost in respect you will get when defeating other player units or when storing units in a cityscape. However you can have different level of gold set on because generally a lv1 gold set in stat bonus will out perform a lv1 silver and a lv2 gold set will out perform a lv2 silver and so on. Generally you will want the highest level of armor you are able to farm in full sets.
Defensive Units
Zero upkeep. There is no currently known limit to the amount. (to fend off a crew with 50 members, each member at 10k units. Take over 500k defensive units to stop it)
Click on Estate>Wall>Train
Barbed Wire is a good pre-defensive unit. They're one hit quitter but the ratio vs Hitmen, Tommy Gunner, Professionals, Enforcers is 2/1 or 3/1.
Thug, Arsonist, Bruiser, Demolitionist 1/1
Booby Traps
Courier, Delivery Truck 1/1
Guard Dog are a solid defense first to build for defensive. 300 guard dogs will eat up 1.5k Arsos no problem. This only happens if a less experienced player thinks because their arsos can take on a lv7 Gangs/Cityscapes that a Estate be easy.
Guard Dog and Armed Guard both have 2k health and 1.5k attack. Due to game mechanics they both are effective in different ways. Guard dogs are more effective on Hitmen & Enforcers while Armed Guard are more effective on Tommy Gunners and Professionals. This can be due to because Hitmen are close range attacks and Enforcers are short range attackers so Guard Dogs are highly effective while Professionals and Tommy Gunner are both long range attackers and Armed Guard are long range attackers as well, just with a longer range.
To Sum up the effectiveness of these units. To take out 1k Guard Dogs will require 2-3k Hitmen. To take out 1k Armed Guard will take 2.5-3k Professionals. Requirements are based on the player attacking research levels and the level of their armor.
Overall 1k of each defensive unit is a solid defense but you always want to keep adding.
Breaking Walls
Lv9 wall takes 2k Pros, 3k Hitmen and one Arso. This is debateable due to the .5 dmg difference in total attack damage count with armor & research as factor changes. Generally 3k Hitmen do it no problem.
There is currently no battle report in the game that will tell you what Lv of wall the person you're attacking has. However there is a few signs that could give you a rough idea. If they're Lv10 with 1-2k respect, they likely have a lv5 wall. (upgrading your estate helps you level fast in the game if you're new) Also level of Mansion can give you a rough idea if you count how many cityscapes that player has under their control equals to the level of their wall because you need to upgrade your wall to unlock further leveling of your estate to be able to take control of more cityscapes.
Keep in mind having either the required Professionals or Hitmen will cost you a upkeep of 1-2mil per hour. You will need by then at least 10 Lv10 Cityscapes or 9 and be in lv9 Silver armor most of the time. Other trick around this is to pick on dead accounts around you. Regardless if same fam or not. They generally have 2-10k respect and in some lv1-2 armor and you can farm them for easy cash. Also keeping your attack timer maxed out every 5hrs helps ease the burden some as long as you're able to farm lv10 gangs or cityscapes with zero effort (if you're using the right set up of units)
The quick math to figure out if you can break a certain level of wall (You maybe should of kept note of how much health each wall has) is simple math. The math done is not counting in research and armor % boost you get.
If the wall has 500k HP. Remember: you can only break the wall in the same attack. The wall gets full HP restore after each attack. However Kabam can change this in the future.
To figure this, you need to see what units you want to use. Check their Attack. Lets say you want to use Hitmen and they have 1.5k Attack:
so 1.5k attack x334 hitmen = 501k Attack. (or it be 333.333 hitmen lol)
Again none of this is counting in research level & armor % boost in to the attack total. If you want to add those in, you will have to do research upgrade Lv in Muscle. 5% x Level in research. 5% is based on from the unit own attack, not group attack total (unless you're using all the same one kind of unit) and then armor % is based on the unit Attack and research % combined as the unit total attack + Armor % = total attack.
Wall can only be broken if the person you are attacking is hiding their units or have zero defensive units.
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